Saturn has just ingressed into the sign of Pisces, signifying a huge sea change. Ushered in by mutable Virgo and her Full Moon, we can expect changes to begin to happen drastically and rapidly both within us and around us.
Whatever sign Saturn is in seems to cast a cultural overtone onto society. Saturn has been in Saturn-ruled signs, Capricorn and Aquarius for the past six years. This brought a serious tone to these years, and an emphasis on rules, boundaries, protections, and feelings of isolation.
These boundaries acted as tests in the Earth and Air signs, gauging where your personal and collective success stories lie and showing what you are truly capable of withstanding in the face of intense circumstances, both foundationally/structurally and within the very air we breathe.
For the next 2.5, almost three years, Pisces will feel quite different. We can expect more flow and flexibility as rigid structures bend. Saturn is considered to be in its “planetary joy” in the sign of Pisces. It may seem counterintuitive that the sign of boundaries is in its joy in the most boundless of zodiac signs, but I love what Christopher Renstrom from Astrology Hub says about this pairing, that Saturn is the lighthouse in the storm.
Saturn offers sanctuary, stability, and shows us the edges of the vast unknown. Pisces is the very depths of our own soul, the ocean of Oneness that unites us, whether in tragedy or Love. It is very easy to get lost in this ocean. Finding your way through these waters can be dangerous or make us feel hopeless. Saturn is the guiding light that shows us how we can return to shore and come back to our bodies when we lose our way.
Pisces opens up spiritual windows, which can be both beautiful and painful. Pisces is the visionary, the psychic, the poet, and the person suffering from depression or addictions. Pisces is the dream world.
All planets can be both positive or negative, depending on how we approach them. Saturn in this sign can cause loneliness and heartache if we are not careful about how we are framing our life. Saturn manages those dark emotions and can travel with us in either direction we choose.
It’s the test again.
How can we bring our dreams into reality? This is powerful energy.
To what degree can we bring to use this energy to restructure our spiritual lives? Daily journaling? Meditation? Yoga or other rituals? Maybe you don’t consider yourself to be spiritual, so then this speaks to what you immerse yourself in, artistically or musically…Where are those liminal spaces where you can get lost? How can you utilize more structure in these parts of your life? Saturn is the force that tells you to get to work, even when you don't want to. Saturn knows "what's best", and always asks us what we are building.
How can we begin to collectively put in place rules that orient us toward a new goal of compassion and inclusivity?
The other side of this is the idea of blending reality, fact, and daily structures with fantasy and illusion…something we can already begin to see happen with the blow/up of the AI world on the internet. It is interesting to note that the internet is experiencing its Saturn return right now. Just like anyone out there with Saturn in Pisces in their natal charts, the Saturn return in Pisces will task those to
experience more confrontation with responsibility, rules, what it is capable of, and will be tested again and again to see what parts of it hold up to the “real world”.
Image from @mathieurivrin_photographie