Relationship Shadow-Work &
Awakening the Peacemaker…

What is personal justice to you? How does it show up in your life?
The Solar eclipse on Wednesday, October 2nd, is a New Moon in Libra at 6:48 pm EST. This closes out the two week portal between eclipses, which typically speeds up evolution and change, and can be fraught with surprises, as if someone has been flickering the lights on and off. Eclipses are often seen as bookends, marking the beginnings and endings of big shifts in our life. This one closes events from our last Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces on September 17th.
This lunation is a major turning point, as it is the final eclipse taking place while the Nodes are still on the Aries-Libra axis, where they have been since October of 2023. As the Moon and Sun meet at 10° Libra; Black Moon Lilith, Mercury and the South Node are all present, offering major opportunities to release and reset relational expectations, closing out old stories for this New Moon and setting new intentions around your goals.
The South Node, often referred to as the tail of the dragon, taking its last run through Libra, will bring up bad habits in our relationship standards. The lower expression of Libra includes: people pleasing, codependency, keeping the peace regardless of how (such as maintaining the status quo, even when it’s not working), self-sacrifice, blaming others, judgement of others, over reliance on others, expecting too much from others, a focus on fairness, and not taking responsibility or taking on too much responsibility.
Releasing yourself of these vibrations may feel difficult or uncomfortable, as you are forced to engage with them and confront your shadow self head-on.
On October of last year, we had that first eclipse on the South Node in Libra, a cycle that is finally closing. That eclipse collectively brought with it horrific war, injustice, blame, taking sides, silence to keep the peace, and masked righteousness.
On a personal level, think back to that time.
What was happening in the Libra part of your own chart back in October 2023? What relationship themes were there? What themes of justice were there? Are any of these themes returning?
We are being asked to reassess the relationships in our lives on a whole new level. These may be current relationships, but they may also be past intimate relationships, past friendships or even family relationships that are coming to mind more vividly, and with more self judgement. It is time to let go of any self-hatred or judgement that comes from those relationships. We are being asked to release and cleanse those feelings of residual anger, mistrust, shame or resentment that arise.
We are also being asked to take ownership of our feelings and harmful actions, rather than projecting where the problem lies.
The higher expression of Libra involves, forgiveness, understanding, collaboration, partnership, love, and peace. Libra is the sign of the artist, one who is able to transmute experiences into something greater. We look to the opposite sign of Aries in the North Node for additional medicine here: speaking out about what is right and just, taking responsibility, taking back your rights and your sovereignty as an individual. Giving yourself Self-love.
The Mercury cazimi on Sept 30th may have highlighted, or brought to light, some realizations around personal habits. Let go of any emotional allegiances which may be holding you back, past or present, that no longer serve your highest purpose. Mercury wants you to reset your thoughts around your highest goals of service and allow yourself to talk through any issues or old stories to which you may be clinging.
The Sun and Moon are also squaring Mars, planet of action, revving up the energy and adding a some controversial spice and heat to the moment. You may feel challenged by the things propelling you forward. The New Moon is also trining Jupiter, planet of abundance and expansion, offering new opportunities for growth. We can use this Moon to reflect on the ways you have created harmony in and amongst the relationships around you, and feel empowered to maintain the peace, despite defiance.
Fully acknowledge all of the work you have done to heal the shadow side, that lower expression, of Libra. This moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith, calling in your primal, animal nature of self-love. Lilith is the goddess that wants you to live your best life and be as free as possible. Lilith shakes off the restraints of her expectations and follows her heart towards independence. There is no better time to embrace the parts of yourself that have been misunderstood or even the parts of yourself you may regret. Embrace self-forgiveness.
Black moon Lilith is a point in the sky the represents the moons apogee, the furthest point in its orbit. It is a void that reflects our deepest repressed desires. It explores the darkest parts of ourselves that we are afraid to acknowledge for fear of being unaccepted or misunderstood. When we dive into the shadow work, we can uncover or recover parts of ourselves that have been lost. Lilith asks us to reclaim our identity, autonomy, and free will.
If you know where Black Moon Lilith is in your natal chart, this could also give you clues as to what exactly you are looking to reclaim. Below are keywords associated with each of the 12 signs, so what does that sense of raw, reclaimed energy look like for you? Take a look in your natal chart to see what themes arise:
Black Moon Lilith in Aries: Success, competition, winning
Black Moon Lilith in Taurus: Worth, values, consistency
Black Moon Lilith in Gemini: Communication, information, influence
Black Moon Lilith in Cancer: Nurture, support, sensitivities
Black Moon Lilith in Leo: Visibility, spotlight, courage
Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: Structure, organization, healing
Black Moon Lilith in Libra: Partnership, commitment, balance
Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio: Transformation, metamorphosis, depth
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius: Expansion, wisdom, exploration
Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn: Determination, ambition, motivation
Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius: Rebellion, activism, progress
Black Moon Lilith in Pisces: Intuition, psyche, creativity
How can you integrate your shadow work as a form of art? What relationship do you feel is being transmuted into something beyond you, something that has fulfilled its karmic purpose perhaps? What negative patterns or relationship themes in your own life are you ready to release and move through? How can you awaken your inner authentic peacemaker towards greater justice and liberation for all?