The New moon in Pisces takes place on Wednesday, March 2nd and conjuncts a Jupiter Cazimi. The Jupiter archetype symbolizes:
-Testing of faith
-Wonder, mystery magnified
The energy on either side of the New Moon in Pisces this week is, unfortunately, not pleasant (for details, read the latter paragraphs)..BUT the New Moon on Wednesday does exist as a peaceful break in the week.. one where our faith is tested, a hopeful taste of reform is encouraged and we are challenged to redefine our goals. The Moon is conjunct Jupiter and the sun. When Jupiter enters the heart of the sun it is called “cazimi” and Jupiter energies of wonder and hopefulness are magnified. The possibilities of what lies ahead are immense. There is the magic of being able to overcome any obstacle. What dreams or goals can you begin to put into action during this time? How have the plans you once thought possible for yourself been shifting?
As the week began there was a definite shift of energy and a sudden “wake up call” diverging from that lush, dreamy Pisces magic we perhaps felt during the last full moon. A line-up occurred, as the Venus and Mars conjunction aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. This line-up is forcing a confrontation with the agreements that have been made with regard to power dynamics in relationships. The confrontation is happening in transformative, perhaps more assertive or darker ways, than we might like to see. Where and how are some of your relationships feeling tension? Are themes of war and peace arising in your personal life? How can you be strategic during these moments of division?
Soon after, Saturnian “father” energy comes into play, breaking up the drama party further. As Saturn conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius, we may feel forced to have conversations about boundaries. The changing structures in our lives are being forced to explain themselves. There may also be an obsession with thoughts about what you are trying to build, and the restrictions you must face.
This heavy lineup of planets in Capricorn and Aquarius repeats some of the same energy that occurred at the start of Covid in 2020, as well as the Last Saturn return 30 years ago, during the AIDs crisis and the fall of the Berlin Wall. When planets converge like this, we often see the powers-that-be shift in ways that are uncomfortable or monumentous. Every Saturn return marks a reassessment of the values that hold us or define us… tearing down the structures that be and forcing us to rebuild them in ways that are more true to who we are now. How and what are you rebuilding?