July has been a month of forging ahead into new territory, yet feeling pulled in all directions. With Neptune stationing direct in the very beginning of the month, as well as conjunct Saturn, these outer planets draw on our feelings of spaciousness and yet “not enough-ness”. You might have recently felt that you are nowhere near where you’d like to be in your self-trajectory, and perhaps a bit disenchanted. Where Saturn asks us to get our shit together, Neptune clouds our judgment and makes the path forward feel hazy, confusing and unjustified. You may be questioning what it is you are doing and why, and self-limiting during this period of time and throughout much of July.
This may be for the best, however, as we are urged to pause in mid-air and become more intentional and mindful in our decisions. Things are shifting and you are learning more and more what you can and cannot do. What you are saying “no” to is becoming more clear, as you make more room in your life for what is tue to following your deepest bodily “yes”.
Tapping into the heart’s center, with the early Cancer New Moon, hit a reset button for many of us. The Great Mother Isis, as fixed star Sirius, was conjunct that New Moon, and many of us felt the presence of self-care step into our lives, as we asked ourselves “what do we TRULY need?”

On the 15th we are faced with the Uranus-Mars conjunction, a combustible period where change is in the air, and accidents may be more prone to happen. Take heed of moving too quickly on the days surrounding this, as this conjunction is also conjunct the fixed star Algol, known for more treacherous moments. Personally this could also show up as spontaneous energy moving in a different direction for you, but collectively I am not so confident it is a positive transit. With all the stages of war taking place around the world, this transit could defy boundaries in more violent ways. Take care of those close to you.
The Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees on July 21st could mark a shifting point, as so many other exact transits take place that same day. This is our second Capricorn Full Moon of the month, really bringing home some of the greater Capricorn lessons we may have been “sitting on” this month. Capricorn wants to accomplish something meaningful and focus on a task with single mindedness. Obviously this has been challenging to do this month! This second Full Moon in Capricorn offers the potential to get clear on what you are working towards.

Neptune, planet of dreams and spiritual awakening trines the Sun and sextiles the Moon that day, offering positive vibes for insight into what lies beyond. Meanwhile, Pluto and Mars are making an exact trine, at the zero degree point, (Aquarius and Gemini respectively), activating some deep-seated transformations and underworld awarenesses beginning to emerge. You are becoming more clear in what you want and don’t want. You are using your voice more often in ways that don’t follow the status quo. Much of this change harks back to childhood memories where you weren’t able to speak. You are healing that.
Mercury and Uranus are squaring exactly at 26 degrees which may indicate volatile conversations, or shocking connections. There may be hurt feelings, or misunderstandings. Moving through difficult thoughts without taking things too personally, is key.
All in all, this month is certainly challenging us to be clear about our vision, and questions whether we can remain steadfast in our goals…or does something need shifting? Movement? Motion towards the new? What needs to be freed? Whatever survives some of these transits, whether dreams, careers, relationships, or even ideologies and more, is yet to be seen, but it is definitely a month of powerful growth and Soul’s evolution.