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Taurus New Moon

Blissful regrounding as you build the dream…

The Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 7th at 11:22 PM  EST, at 18 degrees, marks  the first New moon and New cycle after eclipse season.  This is a moon that brings us back into ceremony with ourselves.  We are invited to reground after the intensity of eclipses and Scorpio Full Moon, as we begin to settle in and unpack all that was churned about and released.

May you find time to sit in stillness, honoring the pieces that have broken away, and find resolve.  The eclipse allowed us all to collectively level up into higher energy wavelengths and own our healing, as lower stagnant energies are still being cleared.  You may very well feel this stagnation as a weight in your chest or somewhere in your body.  Trust that it is heaviest before it is released.

This Taurus New Moon asks us to set intentions for yourself in your body and your practice, ultimately remembering what it means to come home to yourself, and ironing out the practicalities of your life.

The Moon is in exaltation on Taurus.   Caring Moon loves how Taurus cares for the self  in pleasure-filled ways.  Taurus wants us to indulge in our pleasure receptors, to feel the sun and mud and smell and see the beauty of the flowers and greenery.  Taurus roots us, and reminds us of what we value in our life.  It is a feminine receptive sign, inviting us to take in the gifts all around and remain soft in our approach.

This New Moon happens to be sandwiched in between Venus and Jupiter.  Venus is in her domain here and offers us a relational boost in feeling secure, and also pampering us with visions of beauty and loving feelings.  Jupiter, having just made its epic conjunction to Uranus, is also in the sign of Taurus.  There is really no better way for a Moon to be placed than in between the two beneficial planets!  This New Moon is absolutely inviting you to do the things you’ve been wanting to do for some time now.  Start those plans!  All that good planetary energy is on your side!  Finally, do the thing!  Set your intentions for the beginning of this week, and give yourself as much rest as work.  Do not allow anyone to rush you, and try your best to release expectations of yourself.  There is a new wave of being coming on.

Just as gardening is slow and methodical, so is Taurus season: much if the action is happening underground where you can’t notice the shifts, but growth is inevitable and promising.  Take things slow and trust the process.  Give yourself extra cushion time to do nearly everything!

The Moon and Sun are in sextile with Saturn in Pisces, and conjunct Jupiter-Uranus. While Saturn encourages us to dig into our plans, and invest in our futures, Uranus wants you to expect the unexpected. These outer planets have  to do with finding balance between  holding on to and letting go, or decisiveness and receptivity.  How can we make decisions and be guided by what flows to us, while staying present with the reality of our current state.  How can we simultaneously hold our dreams and release our expectations?

The Sun will conjunct Uranus on May 13, illuminating these themes even further.

Additionally, Neptune is at the 29th (anoretic or last) degree for most of the summer, giving us the opportunity to really explore our dreams. Things might feel unrealistic or impossible, but the seeds planted now will become more powerful than you know come next year when Neptune moves into Aries.

So this week, be attuned to your body and drop into pleasures as the reveal themselves to you. Pay attention your needs at home as you establish new rhythms and ways of being.  Throw in a little unexpectedness, dreaminess, keep it real and practical, and go for it.  You have the strength now to carry yourself through whatever you are building.

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