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New Moon in Leo, July 28th 2022

Writer's picture: Lindsey PszwaroLindsey Pszwaro

Honoring the Dark Phase of the Moon:

Finish something

Nurture your body

Rest and recharge

Let your spirit unwind

—Kelly Surtees

I love New Moons.  They help us reset our lives in so many ways.  They allow us to connect to the greater cycles of the earth and sky like our ancestors did.  Before learning astrology, I used to hold Mama Circles with a discussion topic for each gathering. After studying the cycles of the zodiac, I realized that these “discussion topics” already have a pattern in place.  To align yourself with the cycles of the Moon is to align yourself with thousands of years of human history.  Particularly for women.

There are 13 Moon’s in the cycle of the zodiacal calendar.  The number 13 represents the number of the goddess.  New Moons help us to reconnect to the divine feminine within.  They are a time to honor the dark phase of our own life.  Only then can we hear the quietest whispers of our soul.  Only then can we set intentions that come from a place of our soul’s true yearning.

Each New Moon is the start of a new cycle to set up your goals and intentions. The signs of the zodiac they travel through pose new questions for a particular part of your life and psyche that we all undoubtedly are feeling in some way.  The zodiacal signs are slices of a larger picture and break up the year into manageable parts of ourselves to work on.

The New Moon in Leo is about self-love, creativity, and radiance.  I love the potential and creative opportunity this moon holds.  Leading up to this lunation has not been without challenges.  Certain energies need to be cleared or reorganized before we can undergo a transformation into our highest timeline.  There is an opening into that version of ourself, and this Leo moon is a gateway.

Who do you want to be in the world?”, Leo asks. The New Moon in Leo is a bold opportunity to set the stage for the show in your life you wish to see.

Leo, the child and performer archetype tries on roles to see what fits.  The world is your stage.  Nothing is permanent.  Leo wants you to put yourself out there, to let your vulnerable heart peek through the curtains of whatever is holding you back.  The heart is open and in need of an audience.

Has something been calling you from deep within?  Listen.  This is the season of joy. What brings you joy in your life like nothing else?How can you cultivate more joy?  The Sun is the ruler of Leo, and is happy here.  The Sun represents our conscious purpose, and our inner light.   What warms you?  What gives you purpose?  What are you creating?

Symbolized by the lion, Leo is trusting, loyal, and brave.  There is leadership here and a sense of responsibility.  Leo puts the self out there and trusts that they will be received…by family, by friends, by the open palm of the universe.  The bravery of one action can influence someone else to take the leap and be brave too.  That’s the leadership quality.  What promises, relationships, or ideas are you willing to be fully loyal to?  Is there a part of your life that could use some bravery?

Once we put ourselves out there, this doesn’t necessarily mean things will start going our way...but we have to be willing to take risks. To be disappointed, like a child, in order to find our way.  Practice.

Trining Jupiter, the planet of abundance, this Moon brings out our gifts in order to initiate our own sense of leadership. YOU. HAVE. GOOD. IDEAS. The energy is available to support your ability to use your voice and be heard.  Your voice is powerful and strong.  Jupiter doesn’t want you to stay small.  Speak your truth.

When we attempt to expand, there are edges in place that ultimately must be disrupted.  You cannot make everyone happy.  With Jupiter squaring Venus this week (on July 24th), we may have felt a pull between our inner goals and our outer duties and responsibilities.  How do you to bring mutual benefit into your relationships?  How do we grow our own endeavors, while also maintaining our family life? Our love life? How does sovereignty look in your relationships?

This particular moment in time is full of challenge and difficult vision.  There is so much anger and sadness in the world.  People are feeling a loss of their personal freedoms.

Yet, there is a simultaneous abundance and recognition of beauty in new ways.  The expansion of ideas and awareness that is occurring on all levels is amazing.  Knowledge is disseminated so quickly.  The masses do not agree with their politicians.  Standards are being challenged. Love is growing. The inevitable shift is happening.  Collective consciousness is a strong thing.

The Uranus-North Node-Mars Conjunction from July 20 to August 16 is an incredible window of time for supporting your greatest revolutionary visions. It might feel like there is a speeding up of self-realizations, catastrophic life shifts, and immense opportunities.  Change may be drastic and feel confusing or uncomfortable at first, but ultimately, in your heart, you will know these changes are part of the transition into the next new phase of humanity.  We are all being given the  opportunity to step into our highest self:  to seed the new era and to embrace our inner revolutions.

The North Node of the moon is a point in the sky where eclipses happen.  In evolutionary astrology, the North Node in your natal chart represents your life’s greatest medicine and ultimate purpose.  Currently the North Node is in Taurus, a sign of steady nature magic: surmising our resources and getting back to what feels grounded and real…simplicity’s gifts.

Uranus has been conjunct with the North Node since early June, and shaking things up in our connection with basic necessities: water, food, shelter, the physical body, comfort, money, etc.  Mars is the energy boost now to drive the shift forward.  Earth temps are heating up all over the world, due to global warming.  Have we gotten the message yet? This triple conjunction will go exact on August 1st. Be aware of your own opportunities for growth.  What is pushing you out of your comfort zone into a place of higher purpose? What’s shifts need to happen?

It’s a week of energy clearing and recalibration. Mercury having just squared Mars, might feel like there’s some stuck energy that needs to travel somewhere…so dance! Move your body! MAKE ART!  Find ways to communicate that can get this passion and motivating energy out of you, so you don’t end up hurting somebody with your words.

The Moon also passed over Venus in Cancer right before this New Moon. love that this happened, because it’s almost as if the Moon soaked up some wisdom of love, relationships and connection from Venus, and is powering up its aesthetic sensitivities before it reaches the creative Leo Sun…channeling feminine energy and receptivity.

So here are your journal prompts for this New Moon in Leo:

  1. What is your vision for your highest self and how can you begin to live this way on your own right now?  What are you creating?

  2. Where can you put yourself out there more?  Where do you need to be more fiery and brave?

  3. How can you live a more simple life?

  4. What tools can you put in place for moving stuck energy out of you?

  5. How will you honor and love yourself like a prayer?

  6. How will you begin to find sovereignty in your relationships?

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