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Full Moon in Taurus - Lunar Eclipse

Writer's picture: Lindsey PszwaroLindsey Pszwaro

Updated: Oct 27, 2023


Happy Scorpio Season.  Can you feel the shift?  You may find yourself moving away from the planning and mental preparation mode of mercurial Virgo, to now deeply feeling your way through this season in true Scorpio fashion.

The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on October 28th at 4:25pm.  It is at 5 degrees of Taurus and 9 minutes.

This Taurus Full Moon eclipse will unearth some revelations or secrets and may offer a sense of bravery for your new undertakings, if you are willing to confront the darkness head on.

Taurus Full Moons typically illuminate themes of connection, comfort and pleasure in our lives.  They magnify the body’s needs, and this makes complete sense where, seasonally, in the Northern Hemisphere, our bodies are experiencing new sensations with the colder weather.

A need for more sleep, fatigue, sickness, skin adjustments to the change in humidity, etc., sets in.  Taurus is a highly sensitive Earth sign, with visceral attunement to all sensory perceptions at once.  This can also cause overwhelm, so take care.  Slow down.  Taurus likes to move slow—touching, smelling, absorbing her way through her surroundings...  Finding joy and beauty in simple pleasures: a beautifully cooked meal, or the changing colors of the leaves.

I like to think of Full moons as times of celebration, where we honor all of the growth that has come in since the last new moon.   In Taurus we are honoring material abundance, thanking the land for its many gifts to us this season.   Thanking our bodies for bringing us this far.

This Full Moon also closes the eclipse portal, marking the beginning and/or ending of a chapter in our lives.  Since the Libra Solar eclipse two weeks ago, things may have felt strange or like you are running at hyper-speed, and our sense of time may have felt off.

Eclipses can be rough and otherworldly, but they can also speed up our personal evolutionary process.  You might find yourself coming out of this one with a new sense of confidence or surprising stability.  This also is because the North node is conjunct this Full Moon, indicating a higher path forward.

This will be the last Taurus eclipse (ie.  Full Moon in Taurus conjunct North Node) for the next 18 to 19 years, ending an almost two-year cycle along the Taurus-Scorpio axis that began back in November 2021.  Think back to that time, whatever challenges were most prominent then may feel like they have come full circle.   We have likely faced lessens of material loss and gain.  We have learned to trust our senses in new ways and even learned how to take a different approach towards our resources and finances.  We’ve learned how to possess our bodies and found strategies for where we might need support.

Celebrate how much you’ve grown: despite of, or perhaps because of, the hardships you’ve withstood. Honor the slow resilience within yourself, and the new life you've created.

Pluto is quite pronounced during this eclipse, squaring both the north and south nodes.  Pluto also rules the sign of Scorpio, and we tend to feel this archetypal energy more this time of year with the changing seasons.  We may get one last challenge as the eclipse unfolds, but this will likely bring with it new awareness of how we can begin to be more comfortable living within the shadows.  Pluto is Lord of the Underworld, after all, and themes of death and rebirth will feel strong.

Jupiter is conjunct this Full Moon too, offering us a good outlook on life and the wisdom of collective action, as it opposes Mars in Scorpio.  There is a motivation towards our deep seated goals right now that feels both patient and urgent.  We are beginning to prioritize what truly matters.

At the same time, Mercury conjunct Mars and the Sun amplify our conversations with others about all that has changed and all the projects that may be piling up.  Try not to think too hard over these next few days, but trust your instincts and follow your gut when it comes to decision-making.

The simplicity of Taurus sensitivity is where this Moon’s medicine lies.  If you are hungry: eat.  If you are thirsty: drink.  If you are tired: rest.  Prioritize your body’s needs as much as possible.

Happy Full Moon 🌕

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